Improving Your ATV Cornering Skills

Welcome to an article on improving your ATV cornering skills! In this informative guide, you will learn valuable tips and techniques to help you navigate tight corners with ease and confidence. Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned rider, these off-road ATV cornering tips will enhance your skills and make your rides even more exhilarating. Get ready to tackle those twists and turns like a pro! Hey there! So, you’ve got an ATV and you love hitting the trails, but maybe you feel like your cornering skills could use a little work. Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered. In this article, we’re going to go over some tips and tricks to help you improve your ATV cornering skills and have even more fun out on the trails. Let’s dive in!

Improving Your ATV Cornering Skills

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Understanding ATV Cornering

Alright, let’s start with the basics. When it comes to cornering on your ATV, there are a few key things to keep in mind. First and foremost, you want to make sure you’re approaching the corner at a safe speed. Going too fast can make it difficult to control your ATV and increase your chances of tipping over.

The Right Entry

When approaching a corner on your ATV, you want to make sure you’re entering it at the right angle. Ideally, you want to take a smooth, sweeping line that allows you to carry your speed through the corner. This will help you maintain traction and control as you navigate the turn.

Body Position

Your body position plays a crucial role in how well you’re able to corner on your ATV. To start, you want to make sure you’re leaning into the turn with your body weight on the outside foot peg. This will help shift your center of gravity and improve your stability as you navigate the corner.

Techniques for Better Cornering

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s talk about some specific techniques you can use to improve your ATV cornering skills.


Countersteering is a technique that involves pushing the handlebars in the opposite direction of the turn before initiating the corner. This may sound a bit counterintuitive, but it can actually help you initiate the turn more smoothly and maintain better control throughout the corner.

Inside Foot Peg

Another technique to try when cornering on your ATV is using your inside foot peg to help you navigate the turn. By putting weight on the inside foot peg, you can help shift your center of gravity and improve your stability as you lean into the corner.

Use Your Throttle

Don’t forget about your throttle when cornering on your ATV. Using a steady throttle throughout the corner can help you maintain your speed and control as you navigate the turn. Avoid sudden bursts of acceleration or braking, as this can destabilize your ATV and make it harder to control.

Improving Your ATV Cornering Skills

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Practicing Your Skills

The best way to improve your ATV cornering skills is to practice, practice, practice. Find a safe and open space where you can work on your cornering technique without any obstacles or distractions. Set up some cones or markers to practice taking different lines through corners and work on your body positioning.

Trail Riding

One of the best ways to practice your cornering skills is to hit the trails and put your skills to the test in real-world conditions. Look for trails with a variety of corners – from tight switchbacks to wide sweeping turns – to challenge yourself and improve your cornering technique.

Riding with Others

Riding with others can also be a great way to improve your ATV cornering skills. Riding with more experienced riders can give you the opportunity to watch and learn from their techniques, while riding with less experienced riders can give you the chance to practice your own skills and share tips with others.

Safety First

Before we wrap up, let’s talk about the importance of safety when it comes to improving your ATV cornering skills.

Protective Gear

First and foremost, always wear the proper protective gear when riding your ATV. This includes a helmet, goggles, gloves, long pants, and over-the-ankle boots. Protective gear can help keep you safe in the event of a crash or tip-over while working on your cornering skills.

Know Your Limits

It’s important to know your limits and ride within them when practicing your ATV cornering skills. Don’t push yourself too hard or attempt maneuvers that you’re not comfortable with. Take it slow, build your skills gradually, and always prioritize safety over speed or thrill.


Lastly, don’t forget to keep your ATV in good working condition. Regular maintenance and inspections can help ensure that your ATV is safe and reliable for practice sessions and trail riding. Check your tires, brakes, and suspension regularly to make sure everything is in good shape before hitting the trails.

Improving Your ATV Cornering Skills

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Improving your ATV cornering skills takes time, practice, and patience. By focusing on the basics, practicing specific techniques, and riding safely, you can become a more confident and capable ATV rider. So, get out there, hit the trails, and have fun working on your cornering skills. Remember, it’s all about enjoying the ride and improving your skills along the way. Happy riding!

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